School Accountability Report Card
School Accountability Report Cards Available
The current School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is available online at the Elk Grove Unified School District website at Both a long detailed format and a short executive summary are posted for parents to learn more about the schools in our community.
Each school’s SARC summarizes the school's mission, goals, accomplishments, and highlights the school’s unique programs. In addition, state law requires that the SARC contain all of the following: demographic data, school safety and climate for learning information, academic data, school completion rates, class sizes, teacher and staff information, curriculum and instruction descriptions, postsecondary preparation information, and fiscal and expenditure data.
The federal law requires that SARCs contain reports concerning the "adequate yearly progress" of students in achieving state academic achievement standards; Title I Program Improvement status; graduation rates at the secondary level; and the extent to which "highly qualified" teachers are teaching core academic subjects.
A hard copy of these reports can be requested by visiting your child’s school office. Additionally, these reports have been translated in Spanish and Hmong at schools with large populations of families who speak these languages. Any questions regarding the SARCs can be answered by your child’s principal or by contacting Learning Support Services at 686-7712.
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