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Online Research Resources

What’s the Difference Between Databases vs. Websites?

While online databases and websites are accessed on the Internet, there are some key differences between the two resources.  SEE CHART BELOW. When looking for reliable information + other helpful “tools,” we recommend starting research with an online database as one’s first choice. The PGHS/KAMS Library subscribes to EBSCO Databases on a variety of topics; simply type in a subject area and search.  If you're looking for general information, a magazine article database such as EBSCO’s Student Reference Center database and its digital encyclopedia is an optimal first place to start research.  
·  Published by reliable companies, like book publishers
·  May be published by anyone
·  Information comes from professionals or experts in the field
·  Information may not be verified or reliable
·  No advertising - information is provided by a paid yearly subscription thanks to Principal Meyer & PG site budget
·  Advertising banners, pop-up ads, etc.
·  Searches can be narrowed using Keywords, Author, Date, Type of Source, etc.
·  Broad searches using Keywords only
·  Data is updated frequently and includes date of publication
·  Often unable to tell when information is updated or if it is current


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  • EBSCO Discovery Service - This is an online research tool that “pulls together” almost all of our Library resources so that they can be explored using a single search box. In fact, you could think of EDS as the Library’s version of Google.
  • ELL Reference Center - This multi-purpose information resource is designed for middle and high school students and anyone that is new to the English language.   Provides access to ELL-specific articles, online practice tests, and much more.
  • Explora - Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents to help students feel successful in their research.
  • History Reference Center - History Reference Center also includes full text for more than 200 leading history periodicals. It features reference books, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, and history periodicals as well as thousands of historical documents, biographies of historical figures, photos, maps, and over 80 hours of historical video.
  • Literary Reference Center - An expansive collection of author biographies, plot summaries and work overviews, full-text essays from leading publishers, literary reference books and monographs, cover-to-cover full text for literary magazines and journals, book reviews from the most prestigious publications, poems from hundreds of sources, short stories, classic texts, author interviews, and much more.
  • Novelist Plus - NoveList Plus is the premiere database of reading recommendations available through libraries around the world. It is a comprehensive source of information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more. Designed to meet every student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other reliable sources. 
  • Points of View - Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides the basis from which students can realize and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills. Link to the different .


Before using any of our EBSCO databases, take some time to watch these video tutorials.  They will give you an overview of how to use each database to help you navigate and find the information you need for your research project.
EBSCO Discovery Service - Improving Your Search Results
EBSCO Host Tutorial
Explora Tutorial
Novelist Tutorials


SPL Library Card
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Databases Available from SPL's Online Website:


Step #1) Watch these videos
Step #2) Create some Research Questions to help guide you
Step #3) Look for Book Resources on our library catalog
Step #4) Look for information to answer your research questionsusing our on-line databases
Link to EBSCO Databases
pgstudent   pswd: pg$tudent2021
Step #5) Compile all your information and write your paper, work on your project, etc.
Step #6) Format your paper using MLA format style
Step #7) Cite all your sources using EasyBib and create your final "Works Cited" page