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Dance Contract

When students attend a school dance, they do so to enjoy a school-sponsored social event.  The following guidelines are intended to guarantee that all students can enjoy Pleasant Grove High School dances.



    • A dance policy letter must be signed and returned by the student when the student purchases a ticket to the dance.
    • All tickets will be sold in advance of the dance at the ASB window or the controller's office window*. 
    • When students purchase a ticket, they must present their current student ID card.
    • Students must present their student ID card and their signed ticket at the door before entering.
    • A limited number of guest passes will be issued for some dances. A background check will be completed for each guest request. The school administration reserves the right to issue and revoke the guest pass at any time. Guest pass requests will be given to Pleasant Grove students who have a school ID card at the time of application. All guests must be at least high school-aged and under the age of 21. All guests must have a photo ID to be presented at the time of entrance to the dance. No ID = No ENTRANCE. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS. Middle school students are not eligible to attend any high school dance. 

    • *No ActivitiesStudents who have been suspended for possession of a controlled substance (CA. ED code 48900. C) or Physical Aggression/Fighting (Ed Code 48900. a) will not be permitted to purchase tickets for this dance. 


Certain dance styles are not appropriate; sexually suggestive dancing and dancing that simulates violence will not be permitted. Depending upon the degree of violation, the student may be removed from the dance with no prior warning, or, with prior warning, if the student continues to violate the policy. If a student is removed from a dance, they may not be allowed to attend the next school dance. B. Dances are open ONLY to Pleasant Grove High School students and approved guests from other schools. C. All guests must arrive and enter the dance with their host student and have the approved guest pass, ticket, and photo ID with them as they enter. All guests must leave with their host student as well. D. Students must enter all dances within 60 minutes of the beginning time of the dance. Students who leave before the dance ends will not be readmitted. E. Students must be picked up from the dance within 30 minutes of the end of the time of the dance. Failure to be picked up within this timeframe may result in a student not being allowed to attend other dances during the school year. F. Students are encouraged to leave valuables at home.
Parents are welcome to volunteer at dances to help assist staff in supervision, help in the snack bar, or help with the coat check.


A contract must be read, and signed by the student requesting to attend a PGHS dance. Following is the list of requirements and expectations for attending dances at Pleasant Grove High School.


  • T-shirts are prohibited, shirts with collars are suggested and must remain on throughout the dance. 
  • Pants must be on the waistline and may not fall below the waistband of the underwear.
  • All undergarments are to be covered so they are not visible.
  • See-through is prohibited. 
  • Dresses or tops which show excessive cleavage are prohibited. 
  • The back of the dress may not be lower than the waist.     
  • Skirts and dresses must cover buttocks and private parts at all times (when standing, sitting, bending, or dancing)
If the dress code is not followed, students will be asked to have someone bring a change of clothes or not be permitted into the dance


  • All attendees must arrive by 8:00 (unless previously approved by administration)    
  • Students are not able to leave before 9:30 pm and once they leave, they will not be re-admitted for any reason.  Parents must be contacted and grant permission for students to leave earlier than 9:30.
  • All dancers must remain vertical with feet on the ground.
  • No rubbing or touching of any private body parts.
  • No sexually suggestive movements, moshing, train dancing, or break dancing.
Students who violate the dance regulations will be removed from the dance and refunds will not be given.

Guest Pass Information

  • Students may only bring 1 guest and guests must enter the dance with their host.
  • No junior high students can be a guest.
  • No one over the age of 21 can be a guest.
  • Guest passes are available from the ASB room and on
  • Students may purchase a ticket for a guest before approval but if they are denied for any reason they will need to go through the process again.